International UFO Museum

Arts and culture


The museum is dedicated to the collection and preservation of materials and information in written, audio and visual formats relevant to the 1947 Roswell Incident and other unexplained phenomena related to UFO research. Displays include Rosewell information with photos, affidavits, crop circles, abductions, Hollywood, photos of identified and unidentified UFOs and more along with the vast information available in the research library in books, magazines, newspapers and videos.

Attraction Type:
Group Rates:
 $2.00 per person
Hours of Operation:
Business Hours: Daily 9 – 5

Seasonal Dates:
Open year round. Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day with early closures the day before each of these holidays

Bus Parking:
Bus Parking Fee:
Driver Rate:
No charge
Escort Rate:
No charge
Cancellation and
Refund Policy:

Minimum of one week prior to arrival.

Nearby Attractions that Influence Group Travel:

  • The International UFO Museum & Research Center
  • Bottomless Lakes State park
  • Bittler Lake National Wildlife Refuge
  • 2 art museums
  • Less than 3 hours to Carlsbad Caverns
  • 2 hours to White Sands National Monument
  • 1 hour to Ruidoso and skiing

International UFO Museum

114 North Main St
Roswell, NM 88203
Phone: 505-625-9495
Fax: 505-625-1907
