Circle Michigan



Circle Michigan is a statewide association of packaged travel suppliers (attractions, casinos, destination marketing organizations, hotels/motels, receptive operators, restaurants, transportation providers, and allied partners) founded in 1981 to help tour planners execute successful Michigan tours. Circle Michigan pioneered the first statewide association dedicated exclusively to helping you meet the challenges unique to the tour industry.

Member: ABA, OMCA, NTA, SYTA, TIA, PBA, Bank Travel, AATC, IMG

Nearby Attractions that Influence Group Travel:

  • Circle Michigan represents more than 160 tour suppliers throughout the state of Michigan. Visit our Web site for a complete listing.

Type: State
Tour Services:

  • Attractions
  • Lodging
  • Theater
  • Brochures
  • Transportation
  • Dining/Banquet
  • Group Planner
  • Slides/Photos
  • Shopping
  • Step-on-Guide
  • Itinerary Planning

PO Box 541
Trenton, Michigan 48183
Phone: (734) 676-7985
Phone: (800) 513-6424
Fax: (734) 675-6337
