History in the “Heart” of Louisiana.
1. Historical presentation of Red River Campaign
2. Tyrone Plantation Re-enactors encampment
3. Historical presentation of slavery in Central Louisiana
4. Slave Wedding Re-reenactment
5. Military Funeral Re-enactment and Cemetery Tour
6. Military Wedding Re-enactment and Costumed Ball
7. 19th Century Church Service… plus so much more
8. For a complete list of events call 1-800-551-9546
Member: ABA, NTA
Type: CVB
Tour Services:
- Attractions
- Lodging
- Theater
- Brochures
- Group Planner
- Shopping
- Itinerary Planning
Alexandria/Pineville Area CVB
707 2nd St
PO Box 1070
Alexandria, Louisiana 71309-1070
Phone: 318-442-9546
Fax: 318-443-1617
E-mail: katie@apacvb.org
Web: alexandriapinevillela.com