Riverside Center for the Performing Arts


Riverside Center for the Performing Arts
Riverside Center for the Performing Arts

Riverside Center for the Performing Arts provides the area with professional live theatre through musicals, dramas and more. With multiple hotels nearby, and matinee and evening performance options, it is a great destination. Not only is Riverside conveniently located close to I-95, but it also has ample parking complete with a nice layout for bus drop-off and parking. Riverside offers the option to purchase tickets for a three-course meal service and the show, or simply tickets for the show alone. Either type of ticket has a group discount for groups of 12 or more. As a bonus, every 25th ticket is only $10 (plus applicable tax). In addition, groups can opt to purchase additional benefits for a small charge such as an “actor talk-back,” where group members can ask the performers questions. Riverside also has a spacious events center for weddings, conferences and more.

Riverside Center for the Performing Arts

95 Riverside Parkway
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406
Phone: 540-370-4300
Fax: 540-370-4304
E-Mail: groupsales@riversidedt.com
Web: www.riversidedt.com
