The American Revolution is a unique, theatrical family-friendly experience that combines contemporary, tongue-in-cheek humor with the telling of America’s founding. 

The show brings to life the stories of George and Martha Washington, King George III, Sam Adams and Paul Revere. Audiences gain new insight into America’s early history.  

Presented by Theater Unspeakable and Let’s Make History Productions, this history-in-a-capsule is a whirlwind re-telling of the American fight for independence. The show runs from May 18 until June 28, 2020, in the heart of historic Philadelphia at the Christ Church Neighborhood House. The venue is just minutes away from Independence Hall. 

Only 50 minutes long, The American Revolution features seven actors who perform 2 feet off the ground, while sharing 21 square feet of space. Within these limits, the skilled actors take the audience on a journey through America’s fight for independence. They use only their bodies, voices and (pantomimed) cannons. 

What is so compelling about the show is the physical comedy of the troupe. Its antics are imaginative as well as the one-liners and contemporary dialogue that make the show such fun. The physical theater draws upon the influence of Theater Unspeakable founder and managing artistic director Marc Frost’s time at the London International School of Performing Arts.

“Theater Unspeakable loves to create big stories in small spaces,” Frost said. “The story of the American Revolution appealed to us because of its epic scale. We are very excited to bring this show to the birthplace of American history. It’s the perfect finale for groups who have experienced a day at the museums and sites of historic Philadelphia.”  

Performances are held nightly from Monday to Sunday. Morning and afternoon group/school performances can be scheduled to accommodate group itineraries.

For more information on The American Revolution/Theater Unspeakable go to

Article by Mira Temkin