To experience unforgettable scenery from a unique vantage point and under your own power, book a rail bike tour with Rail Explorers USA. Participants pedal Rail Explorers, four-wheeled vehicles that travel on rails without train traffic.

Rail Explorers USA currently offers pedal-powered rail bike tours in Rhode Island, the Catskills of New York state and Las Vegas, Nevada.

The Rhode Island Division operates along the Newport and Narragansett Bay Railroad. There is a scenic ride along historic Aquidneck Island and spectacular Narragansett Bay.

The Catskills Division uses the historic Ulster & Delaware Railroad route alongside Esopus Creek through the woods of the Catskill Mountains.

Rail Explorers
Credit: Rail Explorers USA

“People are blown away,” said Mary Joy Lu, CEO of Rail Explorers USA. “The scenery is so beautiful, and you are so low to the ground. It’s mesmerizing.”

Rail Explorers are easy to pedal, the terrain is mostly flat, and the ride is relaxing and enjoyable, said Mark Stenning, director of business development.

“Everyone can enjoy this activity — couples young and old, groups of friends, and families of all ages and abilities,” Stenning said. “The pedal-powered Explorers provide a smooth and comfortable adventure suitable for all.”

Lu said with the steel rails and steel wheels on the Rail Explorers, there is little friction and it’s easy to maintain momentum. “People get done and say they didn’t realize how easy it would be,” she said.

The Catskills Division rail bikes have electric pedal assistance.

Stenning said Rail Explorers USA is a unique outdoor activity that allows riders of all ages and abilities to enjoy the freedom of riding the rails, history, sightseeing and exercise.

Credit: Rail Explorers USA

Lu noted that the experience is naturally self-distancing, and the divisions have added staff to do additional sanitizing of the Rail Explorers and facilities. In addition to following the company’s social distancing protocols, all guests are required to abide by each state’s health safety mandates, which includes wearing facial masks and remaining at least six feet apart.

Most of the company’s divisions can accommodate groups up to 60 in size. Riders of all ages and abilities are welcome. The average “on the rails” experience, depending on division, averages 1½ hours. All Rail Explorers divisions have sufficient, free, parking areas to accommodate motorcoaches, with direct access to the activity. Lu said the company will work with operators to customize an experience.